Monday 16 February 2009

Teenie Weenie Zucchini

The ridiculous heat we had a week ago affected the zucchini. I did cover them in shade cloth (kindly donated by a friend) in time for that stupidly hot 40+degrees Sunday, but I think the damage had already been done. Jerry Coleby-Williams grows his food under shade cloth all summer.

The many days of rain afterwards helped some of the new ones. So the little ones were a little tasteless but the larger one was sweet and delicious. I could really taste its crispness in the stir-fry we had. I'm still not sure if this plant is a new hybrid or one of my heirloom plants as zucchini self-seeded from the compost. (Note to self: plant seeds in mushroom compost to avoid confusion!).


LeatherneckJoe said...

There is no way to know which type of plant it is if it is a self starter. If you are interested in heirloom plants, Garden Harvest Supply has potted cucumber plants that are ready to plant in your garden.

Jacqueline said...

I pronounce you Queen of all Gardens. Your little patch has got to be one of the most productive squares of earth on the planet. 10kilos of spuds - yum indeed!