Sunday 4 January 2009

Death and Disease

NEW YEAR'S RESOLUTION - must post regular blogs! :)

I've been planting new stuff and dealing with unhealthy plants for the first time in my veggie patch. I must have transferred rust from a diseased geranium plant in the garden to my broad beans. they were so seriously infected, including the beans, so I disposed of the whole plant (sadly not for my compost- you need to burn them or fast-compost them to kill the spores). My own fault for using the same gloves and for not visiting the veggie patch often to check for such diseases. The rust may have been encouraged by overhead watering as a mustard leaf plant developed some kind of horrible fungus - I had to kill that too. Not so nice :( I felt like I was putting something down. I didn't realise I could get so attached to plants :)

Broad bean with rust
I gotta look into drip lines to avoid so much overhead watering and risk of disease. Also either a milk-fungicide or sulphur may work if the problem re-occurs. It has been warm and humid a lot lately.

Mustard leaf with fungus (upper and lower side of leaf)


Unknown said...

Poor plants, they do look very distressed, but as you say, hard to kill your babires, well except to harvest and eat them - yum, yum!

Valerie Polichar said...

I hate when that happens, too. I keep trying to nurse them through it, but sometimes it's just endangering the rest of your garden to do that...

Jacqueline said...

I had to pull out a whole planting of rocket that was being attacked. Luckily I can just feed it to the chooks - it didn't recur after that. I'm horribly ignorant about diseases on plants and will have to pay more attention to it to. I didn't realise you were blogging more regularly - I'll have to catch up on my reading now!